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Forthcoming Projects


Climate Change, Conflict and the Sahel
     Principal Investigator

Luciano Pollichieni


Research Fellow
in Geopolitics/Geopolitics of Non-state Actors

Luciano Pollichieni's expertise lies in International Relations, the Geopolitics of Africa, and the interaction between organized crime and terrorism (crime-terror nexus). Pollichieni is currently conducting research on the exploitation of geographical spaces by violent non-state actors in West Africa and on the impact of climate change and demographic shifts on contemporary conflicts in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa.

Pollichieni has investigated the link between drug trafficking and armed violence in the Sahel. He has experience analyzing organized crime in Italy and West Africa. His research is aimed at policymakers, businesses, and scholars.


He is affiliated with the Urban Violence Research Network. He has previously worked for Limes the Italian review of geopolitics, the Istituto of Affari Internazionali, and the Italian Chamber of Deputies (among others). Luciano has been interviewed as a Geopolitics and Security expert by British, Italian, and Belgian media outlets.   

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Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications

Essays and Invited Commentary

Luciano Pollichieni 

Rétablir le cycle : précédents historiques et avenir potentiel des négociations de paix au Mali

   Bulletin du Centre FrancoPaix en résolution des conflits et missions de paix | Vol. 7 no 4  

Luciano Pollichieni 

A crowded place with few solutions: old and new players in the geopolitics of the Sahel

    ACCORD (African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes)

Luciano Pollichieni 

Is France at Risk of "Losing" the Sahel?

    ISPI (The Italian Institute for International Political Studies)

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